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How We Met

Here's How The Story Goes...
(According to the Bride anyway??)

Love at first site??? I don't know in our case. I remember the first time I ever saw Buck. It was at a mutual friends apartment and he arrived with his then long-time girlfriend. I couldn't control my drouling! Later I find out, he doesn't even remember me from that occasion. Our mutual friend, the Best Man, never stopped talking about 'Ben' so at that time it was great to put a name to the face!

Our second encounter, at another mutual friends apartment, was better! He was now single, YIPEEE!!!!! And checking me out, so I later found out. But at that time, I had a boyfriend.

I think it was a year or so of hanging out together, becoming Best Friends, that finally led to more. I think we both knew it though!!

The rest, as they say, is history.

I have my lover and best friend all wrapped up in one great big package!!!! I couldn't be luckier!

Like I said this is my version, so don't be surprised if he has another!!!!!

Oh What A Love Story!!!